Thursday, October 23

May you please turn your attention to the spotlight....

I think everyone loves to feel good, especially when posting and reading in bloggerland. Nothing makes me feel better than seeing my name and blog on another site. Over the past couple of weeks I've been given the honor of being in the blog lights and have been linked to a bunch of blogs. Thanks everyone! Whoohoo for links and spotlights!!!!

Now it's my turn to put the spotlight on some of my favorite fellow bloggers AND to keep this circle of light and warm-fuzzies going as much as possible.


Nicki over at Slow Down, Gym Shoe AND Kelly over at Close to Home have both tagged me for the 7 random things tag. I really do love getting tagged! Thanks Guys--WHOOHOO for TAGS!

7 random things about me......................

1. I love to talk about God. I'm not churchy or anything or even religious really, but I do believe in a higher power, supreme being, celestial controller of the universe-whatever you call it--he's there and in charge of everything. It's comforting to know that because of God, I am accepted, approved, redeemed, talented, blessed, empowered, AND I don't have to control anything or even figure it all out. I just get to BE. Thank God!

2. I love the Gilmore Girls so much I would move to Connecticut without ever having been there. (oh and of course, Sophie would have to go to Yale!)

3. Reading aloud to Sophie is one of my favorite things ever. I try to get one or two books in before nap time and a few in at bedtime. This doesn't happen everyday, but most days. I really love books and try to take her to Barnes and Noble as often as I can. Even though she would rather play with the trains and toys than look for books, she always sits and reads with me-plus it's a nice environment to hang out in.

4. I would rather shop for toys/books than clothes-or even shoes.

5. If given a choice between dressing up and going out for dinner-or grabbing Mickey D's and watching the Wizard of Oz? Yeah, there's no place like home. seriously.

6. I truly believe that Dairy Queen is good for the soul.

7. My current favorite movie is Underdog - recently replacing Enchanted. Twister is still a close #2 and has been since it came out.

Now, I will tag the following bloggers: (for the simple reason of wanting to read more about you guys!)

1. The Sports Mama at You Don't Have to Like Me
2. Killlashandra at Modern Mama's Fabulous Favorites.
3. AVTCoach at This Abundant Life
4. Missy at Bees and Boo-Boos
5. Mamarazzi at Dandelion Wishes
6. Rachel at Following in My Shoes
7. Supercool HotMama at Super HotMama's House

But wait there's more! AWARDS! whoohoo for awards!

"Just Me" over at Snickerdoodles gave me a Kreative Blogger award! Thanks Just Me--love your blog!

Along with giving it out to 6 other bloggers you also post 6 things that make you happy when you get this award.

Because I've been drowning in a cesspool of hormone created tragedies in my head these days nothing seems to be making me happy except my precious quiet time at my computer. So I thought it would be appropriate to share with the world just exactly where I spend my time when I get lost in cyberspace. I chose for my 6 things that make me happy to list 6 BLOGS that make me happy ..........WHOOHOO for them as I give them this award.

1. Hope Floats : I love this blog because Melissa was not only the first blogger I encountered just about a year ago, but she is also right around my neck of the woods (the woods being the outer suburbs of Chicago.) Whoohoo for that! I laugh lots when I visit her blog, especially when she is explaining her latest underwear chronicles. Oh, and she is my good luck charm because both of the blogger contests that I have won have come from her! As a matter of fact I am enjoying some positive affirmations right now! But besides being a funny, close-to-me blogger, she is also very charitable in festive and sometimes bloody ways. She is one cool blogger!

2. My Chaos My Bliss: I love this blog for about a million reasons! Cecily R has a way of making raising kids seem so blissfully normal, yet incredibly off the wall, while at the same time expressing unconditional love for her family and dealing with the craziness that only a stay-at-home mom can appreciate. I love to play the PhotoStory Friday game that she hosts with a fellow blogger, and I can't seem to get the picture of her in high heels out of my head. (It's the post that got me hooked to all things Cecily!) She's a gifted writer and talented photographer. I always feel good after reading what she has to say and seeing pictures of her beautiful children.

3. Burgh Baby : The Burgh Baby's Mom is one of the funniest bloggers I've stumbled upon yet. I love the way she expresses her love and pride for her beautiful little toddler while simultaneously keeping me in hysterics because she finds the humor in every situation-especially the unsuspecting fellow drivers in and around 'The Burgh' as she calls it. I crave her stories of the scary babies and look forward to her shopping sprees and LOVE her hierarchy of parental intelligence-but most of all, I just love the way she expresses her ultimate appreciation for her leading lady. (It's also cool that she's got me on the cool kids list and on her blog roll!)

4. Kay's Simple Life: The first thing I need to say about Kay is that she has SPECTACULAR taste in music; every time I jump on her blog I hear just the 'right' song for the moment. I dig this about her! Second, she is very talented with the crock pot and shares her knowledge-which I thought was delicious! Third, she is not only a devoted mother, but a brilliant homeschooler as well and shares lots of tricks of her trade with the blogging community. She is one special mom. Oh, and not only does she have famous taste in shower curtains, but her street is famous too thanks to Extreme Makeover Home Edition .

5. Living and Loving Every Minute of It: I encountered Corey's blog just recently this past summer through the PSF posts and I am thrilled that I did. She is one fantastic photographer and is not shy about sharing her expertise! I love her insatiable appetite for her Sugar, as well as her ability to share nothing but hope, happiness, and miracles with her blogging friends. She is remarkable and though I've only read her for a short time, I am now a loyal fan!

6. SevEn cloWn CirCuS: Angie is one-of-a-kind. Seriously. You HAVE to visit this blog if for no other reason than she is incredibly saucy! She is the host of her own WordFUL Wednesday game and it's so fun to see how people actually interpret their otherwise wordless snapshots. She is an AMAZING mom with stories that will melt your heart with a kiss, make you laugh out loud with a kick , and she will answer if you ask-as honestly as she can. I love that about her. Mostly, I just love that she really loves her family and has some incredibly gorgeous children. She is also just a very real mom with very real mom humiliations to deal with that make her so endearing and easy to like. She is the best!

While scrolling around for my favorite posts I stumbled upon this one which I am ashamed to admit I never saw! Angie gave me an award here and somehow I completely spaced and missed the whole thing. So, a very belated THANKS and WHOOHOO to Angie for thinking of me over the summer!

I would love to give this blog award to a few of my other faves in bloggerland:

1. Robyn @ Where's Jelly? for being the kind of blogger I wished lived just 2 hours closer to me.
2. Julie (aka crazymamaof6) @ Truly Delightful in Every Way for doing it all SO WELL w/6!
3. Tommie @ Tuesday Update for her take on what Happiness Is...AND her taste in shoes!
4. MamaGeek @ What Works for Us because she is McCrafty & likes the same TV show as me.
5. Alexandria @ I'm the Mom for her crayon philosophy-love it!


Cecily R said...

Wow Susie! Do I ever feel honored to be in THIS spotlight!! Not only did you say some of the nicest things about me and my blog, but I also get to be numbered among the bloggers you mentioned! Thanks so much!!

I think this might be one of the very best award/tag posts ever!!

Corey~living and loving said...

I am grinning from ear to ear. You did such a wonderful job highlighting the blogs you find inspiring, and I am honored to be amoung your favorites. You words about me and my blog touched my heart. thank you. I'll be passing this award along soon.

AutoSysGene said...

Looks like I already read a lot of your favs but it also looks like I have LOTS of new blogs to check out.

I'm so glad that I made your list and that you are enjoying your positive reinforcements.

I hope the hormones aren't driving you over the edge.

Robyn said...

Whoo Hoo thanks for the shout out. Who knows maybe we can get together sometime.

Burgh Baby said...

Awwww, thank you! I knew I like you!

Now, I want you to think about the name "Alexis." Also note that if she had been a boy, she would have been either Zachary (Zac) or Logan. Mr. Husband has not figured it out, but all names are semi-intentionally selected from a certain Best TV Show Ever. Uh huh.

Mamarazzi said...

FUN stuff...thanks for the tag i will get right on it...well on monday.

some of your fave bloggy people are MY fave bloggy people...birds of a feather, and all that, love it!!!

Claremont First Ward said...

This is one BIG spotlight! I am SO honored. It was a "kick" to see what post of mine was about a kick. I had forgotten about that. Thank you, Susie!

And congrats to yoU!


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