Tuesday, July 15

Make-up Monday Part Two: Sunday

Sunday morning I made Mickey Mouse waffles and had lots of yummy fresh fruit so we had a good old-fashioned waffle breakfast. Then, we took advantage of our rockin' good weather and took a break from the pool to walk around our favorite little downtown area. It was so fun. There were about a million people out because the day was so gorgeous. Sometimes it's nice just to be in the middle of so much activity without really having anything to do. We people watched and sat at an outdoor cafe with big giant diet cokes munching on chips & guacomole (my fave) for lunch. Then we just took a little stroll around town. They have these butterfly statues all over the place and Sophie was having tons of fun splashing in the dirty water. Normally I wouldn't let her because I'm all uptight about staying clean (I know) but today I finally said OK and let her be. This was a big step for me.

I wanted to see her face for a picture so I said, "Hey Soph, look up for me will ya?" Nice. She got a cute neck huh?

Yeah, I finally get a candid shot where she is actually motioning what the title of this blog is all about. Of Course I cut her head off. Nice. The pink bows are my favorite too. Oh nuts!
That was pretty much it for our day. I felt so blissfully normal -it was fantastic. We just hung out-all day long. I can't remember the last time just the three of us had such a fun, relaxing weekend together. Pretty perfect and it feeeeeeeeeeels good!


MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Oh Susie, now THAT is a perfect day. And I love your ending sentiment, I so get that. :)

Cecily R said...

I love how you make the ordinary extraordinary Susie!!

Sophie is ADORABLE as always.


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