Thursday, August 21

Admitting it is half the battle.......

Guess what? I'm so naive. I am finally admitting it. I know parents with only one kid really don't have the right to an I get why. You see, I have been enjoying all of the little kid quirks that I read about in the blog-o-sphere like peanut butter covered cell phones and outdoor urinals in the bushes, because I honestly didn't think Sophie would ever pull these sort of tricks. Really. Not MY kid-she's such a well-behaved, perfectly sweet little girl! Well, she's is all of those things, but she is also a completely normal kid like everyone else, and is starting to learn the joy of 'what will happen if I do this?' syndrome. I am truly naive!

The other night Sophie and I were having our pre-bedtime Popsicle in the family room while we watched T.V. with Nate. I thought Sophie was pretty content playing Barbies and didn't seem to need my attention, so I was actually concentrating on the show. About every 45 seconds Sophie would run into the kitchen, do something, and come running back into the family. She must have done it have a half-dozen times before I finally noticed.

Sophie, what'cha doin? (I said this sweetly with as much interest as possible so she doesn't clam up--or try to pull a cover up.)

Making juice.

Really? How? I didn't ask these questions, but she was so honest and proud of herself when she answered that I was intrigued. So I got up to see.

Guess what happens to Popsicles when you take them out of the freezer?

Guess where a red Popsicle shows up the best when it doesn't get eaten?

Guess who doesn't get to leave the room when she eats a Popsicle anymore!

As I was cleaning up the hallway floor, I asked her if she had planned on drinking the juice. Without missing a beat she said, "Moooommy, I drink juice from my sippy cup. This juice is for Jackers!" I'm willing to bet he's the only dog who gets served Popsicle off a foyer floor-right?

So after this little episode, I decided to take a closer look around the toy room(s) and found that she has in fact begun experimenting. First, she ground an entire cherry cola lipsmacker into the top of the princess lamp on her little picnic table. It looks like a lava lamp now. Then I saw the crayon marks on her play kitchen that lead right up to a picture hanging on the wall-back down to the floor. AND, the other day Nate came running upstairs in the morning while I was putting on my makeup to grab the plunger. A) -he scared me and I poked my eye with the eye pencil. B) -Sophie was left to tinkle by herself. I didn't go near the downstairs bathroom until he was completely finished-I know myself too well.

So it starts. My innocent little girl is officially a normal kid. I can't wait to see what else she does! I'm actually kind of excited too-to tell you the truth. She's pretty clever, so there's no telling what she'll come up with --PLUS-- it will give me some more good blog material.


Sophie, let's learn to speak French!

Why? (She was completely UNinterested.)

So we can go to France!

You want to go to what? (She asked this like I had just said a bad word! Nothing against France I'm sure because she apparently doesn't know what it is yet.--oh and I love that she said what instead of where!)


Sophie, can you clean up your Barbie's before we go up to bed?

No thanks!

Sophie, clean up your Barbies --please --it's bedtime.

Um, not just yet.

Sophie, you can clean up your Barbies, because if I have to do it-I'm throwing them away!

Mooooomy, can you just give me a hand please?

**sigh** How about asking Daddy to help you-while he laughs his head off?

(Nice to know we amuse someone!)

Oh yeah--I left the bag of fortune cookies on the table last week. Yep--every single cookie was opened, the fortune UNread because she can't quite read yet, and the entire bag of cookies crumbled across the kitchen table to the floor to the family room. She's sooooooo normal!

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1 comment:

Helene said...

I'm totally giggling right along with you as I read this post because my daughter does some of the SAME THINGS!!! I can recall having a very similar conversation with her recently about her Barbies! And I also threaten to throw them away but she called my bluff one day and said "okay...but will you buy me some new Barbies?"

I love reading stories about your daughter! She reminds me so much of my daughter!!


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