Mommy, Just One More Minute!
Saturday, August 17
A Comeback!
Friday, November 6
PSF: Stamps
Hosted by Cecily and Emily

Friday, October 30
Eat, Drink, and Be Scary!

Happy All Hallows Eve!
OH and there is one more thing......NO such thing as 'leftovers' when it comes to me and candy. We indulge all day long on the greatest candy day of the year, and then DO NOT leave it around the house. Seriously, I would weigh 400 pounds! We wait until Thanksgiving to kick off the next round of holidays and let those games begin.
I sooooooooooo love this time of year.
Thursday, October 29
PSF: Say Cheese!
Hosted by Cecily and Carissa

He did! I can't wait to hear how it sounds, but it sure does look beautiful to me.
What do you think? Is he going to be a redhead? Or is that just my over-editing skills?
Writers Workshop: Show and Tell
2.) Show and Tell using your favorite Halloween home decor.
This is a pic of the outside decor from last year. These are undoubtedly my favorite decorations for a couple of reasons. First, Sophie and I had a total blast shopping for them and decorating the house. We both thought it was just the coolest thing ever--WAY better than our outside Christmas decor. Spending that kind of "FUN" time with Sophie is my favorite thing in the world and I am so glad I got a picture to help me remember. Second, I am a huge fan of twinkling lights and giant blow up things. There is something very innocent and cute about them--not to mention easy to put up. I am a HUGE child at heart and I think these decorations tells everyone passing by that children live here. What do you think?
Oh, and the dog's ears crack me up too! It was SUPER windy that night--he was standing still! The ghost was just about to blow over when I snapped this pic.
Wednesday, October 28
Posts of Halloweens Past
7 Clown Circus is one awesome place to visit these days! To find out why go here. If you already know why, read on...oh and to help my lucky stars with the powers that be (the random generator) for the end of the week, I am truly Flipping for the Flip!!

These first two pictures are from Sophie's first 'real' Halloween where she was old enough to participate in the festivites. She was a very tall one year old--but TONS of fun and she loved every moment! The top pic is noticeably at a pumpkin patch the one underneath is at Sophie's first scarecrow festival.
In these two pictures Sophie is only 2! I can't believe how enormous she looks to me and how teeny tiny she is compared to now! Above she was wearing her fave Halloween dress for her cousins birthday party at our old house, and below was Sophie's first Halloween where she actually went trick-or-treating. She was Stephanie from Lazytown.
Underneath was last year's Dorothy costume and I have so many 'ghosts' popping out right now I'm actually getting sad! Sophie was only 3 in this last picture, but to me she looks like a kindergarten kid for sure! I wonder how old she'll look this year!
I did have a little extra time to go back through some of my posts of my Halloween's past and found a couple of funny/educational/eye-opening ones from last year. Feel free to read on if interested.
Click if you like BLOOD
Click if you like LIFE LESSONS and the real reason that "Ghost" of Dorothy above haunts me.
Monday, October 26
Creepy Crawly Craft Carnival

This is so totally gruesome, and I can't think of a better (or any other) place than my blog to post these pictures. I love the look on little Sammy's face--and took total advantage of it to really make Sophie look as scary as possible.

I can't imagine when or where I would actually use these pictures, but I think someday this will be really fun for my kids to play tricks on people.

Forget it! Let's just play with the glue!

So, we crashed and burned this year with the Halloween crafts. THANK GOD for the candy! And the giant tin of popcorn! And drinking water out of the sparkly glass to make it fun. Yeah-we were really rockin' the house yesterday! Maybe next year I'll find my spooky spirit and make up for my lack of ghoulish glitz this year.
Friday, October 16
Hosted by Cecily and Carissa
They way I see them: Honoring And Nurturing my Darling Sam!
They way Sophie sees them: Helping A New Dear Sibling
They way Sam sees them: Hooray! Another Nummy DinDin! Scrumptious!
This is what I call "Hands On" parenting.
Blog Bling
Songs we know by heart!
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